This post includes information about the Halachic Prenuptial Agreement, including a short video from ORA: The Organization for the Resolution of Agunot encouraging the widespread use of this legal document, as well as links to learn more about the process and download the forms. The Halachic Prenup is a modern Jewish legal contract that enables both spouses to negotiate a divorce in a dignified manner, avoiding the issue of get-refusal (when a husband refused to grant a Jewish bill of divorce), rendering the wife an agunah. Today, Jewish couples of all denominations are encouraged to sign this document prior to their marriage, as a sign of their love and committment to protecting one another, as well as an effort to normalize this practice for the greater good of the community.

If you are based in the USA, sign the Beth Din of America Prenup.

If you are based in Canada, sign the Halachic Prenup for Canada.

If you are based in Israel, sign the Agreement for Mutual Respect.