friday night

Friday Night & Beyond: Insights on the Blessing Over the Children (Plus Text & Audio)

Friday Night & Beyond: Insights on the Blessing Over the Children (Plus Text & Audio)

This thorough excerpt from “Friday Night and Beyond” by Lori Palatnik explains the biblical origins of the ritual blessing over the children

A Multi-Generational Blessing Over the Children

A Multi-Generational Blessing Over the Children

This post describes the way in which one family includes all four generations present at their Shabbat table when performing

How to Light Shabbat Candles: Kabbalistic Wisdom

How to Light Shabbat Candles: Kabbalistic Wisdom

This video describes how to light the Friday evening Shabbat candles according to the Orthodox Ashkenazi tradition. In addition to the recitation

Alexander Goldscheider's Tune for the Blessing over the Shabbat Candles

Alexander Goldscheider's Tune for the Blessing over the Shabbat Candles

In this video, Alexander Goldscheider, a Jewish Czech-born composer, performs a unique musical rendition of the blessing over the Shabbat candles.